The Center for Teaching and Learning Presents:

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Embracing the Online Learner

Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 | 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (EST) | Held entirely online via Zoom


In recent years, an increasing number of faculty and students at Georgia Tech have experienced the possibilities that distance teaching and learning have to offer. Whether holding classes in completely virtual environments, utilizing online to flip or supplement their in-class experience, or something in between, faculty have been extending their pedagogy across time and space to reach students where they are in new and exciting ways.

During the Georgia Tech 2024 Celebrating Distance Teaching and Learning Symposium we will be celebrating those educators who have forged high-quality practices for teaching at a distance. This year's theme: Embracing the Online Learner, will focus on students in the online environment and feature sessions designed to empower educators to reshape their online educational experiences for their students by showcasing innovative methods and technologies they can take back and use in their own courses. 

During the symposium we will converse with:

  • Inventive instructors who became early adopters of Generative AI and developed new techniques to wield its potential
  • Expert online instructors who work with massive online learning courses
  • Award-winning Online TAs and faculty from diverse backgrounds and disciplines
  • Pedagogical specialists who work to bridge learning and technology together 
  • And, most importantly, we’ll have opportunities for symposium participants to connect with each other and exchange their thoughts and ideas throughout

Please join us for a day full of inspiring presentations, important conversations, and stimulating experiences as we work together to transform the landscape of distance teaching and learning.

Can’t commit to the whole day? That’s alright! While we would love to have participants attend all of the symposium, we welcome you to register below and attend the parts of the symposium you’ll be able to join us for.

Click here to Register for the Symposium  



We recognize that our busy academic schedules may prevent attending the full symposium and we welcome you to come and go as needed throughout the day.

The below planned agenda will give you an idea of when each can't miss session will occur.

*The Agenda has not yet been finalized and may change before the event depending on speaker needs

Morning Sessions

9-9:15am Opening remarks

9:15-10:15am Keynote speaker: Michelle D. Miller: Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology

10:15-10:45am Post Keynote discussion in breakout rooms

10:45-11am Break

11-Noon Featured speaker: TBA

Noon-1pm Lunch break

Afternoon Sessions

1-2pm Serving as a TA in an Online Course: Words from the Wise(r)

2-2:15pm Break

2:15-3pm Birds of a feather breakout discussions

3-3:15pm Break

3:15-4:15pm Technology Panel: Topic TBA

4:15-4:30pm Closing remarks

Session Details

Click below to learn more details about the sessions available during this year’s Symposium.

9:15am Keynote speaker: Michelle D. Miller: Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology

Details coming soon

11am Featured speaker: TBA

Featured Speaker and 2024 Winner of Georgia Tech's Teaching Excellence Award for Online Teaching

Details coming soon


1pm Serving as a TA in an Online Course: Words from the Wise(r)

Serving as a TA in an Online Course: Words from the Wise(r)

Details coming soon

2:15pm Birds of a feather discussions

Birds of a Feather

Various topics will be offered for discussion in breakout rooms by various Georgia Tech online and technology experts from across the institution. Participants are welcome to choose their own breakout rooms and engage in conversation with their peers.

  • Details coming soon


3:15pm Technology Panel

Details coming soon