This award is open to Georgia Tech employees who teach credit courses and who administer the Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS). Depending on the level of funding available each year, 40 winners will be selected and announced each January for courses taught during the previous calendar year. Each award winner will receive a $1000 stipend.
Nominations are not accepted for these awards, and employees who are visiting faculty, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, upper-level administrators (assistant deans, associate deans, deans, provost) are not eligible for awards.
The purpose of this award is to recognize instructors with exceptional response rates and scores on CIOS. Qualifiers for the award must have at least an 85% student response rate. The CIOS score used to determine winners of the award is based on the sum of three scale items: (#16) Instructor’s respect and concern for students; (#17) Instructor’s level of enthusiasm about teaching the course; and (#18) Instructor’s ability to stimulate my interest in the subject matter. Ties are broken by response rate.
The proportion of small (up to 39 students) and large (at least 40 students) classes that will qualify for awards are based on the proportion of those classes in the Georgia Tech catalog for the past three years.
Questions? Contact Carol Subiño Sullivan.
Selection Process
- Aggregate results for fall, spring, and summer will be used to determine potential winners for each class size (based on the minimum award criteria). Qualifiers are selected by the sum of the three scale items (Respect, Enthusiasm, Interest) on CIOS, then by the number of respondents in the case of a tie.
- Ineligible candidates (visiting faculty, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, upper-level administrators (assistant deans, associate deans, deans, provost) will be eliminated.
- The top 28 small classes will be examined and ranked by the sum of the three scale items on CIOS (Respect, Enthusiasm, Interest) and then by the number of students who responded.
- The top 12 large classes will be examined and ranked by the sum of the three scale items on CIOS (Respect, Enthusiasm, Interest) and then by the number of students who responded.
- Faculty who appear in both the large and small class groups will be counted in the category that has fewer entries (which is usually the large class category).
2023 Award Winners
Funds for the 2023 CIOS Awards were provided by the Jack and Frances Mundy and Class of 1940 endowment accounts. View the full list of 2023 winners here.
Previous Award Winners
Funds for the 2022 CIOS awards were provided by the Jack and Frances Mundy endowment accounts.
College of Business
Small Classes:
Faculty Name | Course Name |
Blunck, Ryan | MGT 4026: Financial Report & Analysis I |
Davis-Nozemack, Karie | MGT 4803: Special Topics: International Business Ethics |
Hackett, Aaron | MGT 6308: Strategic Brand Management |
Halloran, Timothy | MGT 6325: Product Planning |
Hu, Yu | MGT 6213: Business Analytics for Managers |
Rothaermel, Frank | IMBA 6131: Strategic Management |
Singh, Manpreet | MGT 4066: Corporate Restructuring |
Singhal, Vinod | MGT 6353: Operations Strategy |
Thayer, Jane | MGT 4027: Financial Report & Analysis II |
Turner, Deborah | MGT 4045: Sem-Advanced Accounting |
Large Classes:
Hora, Manpreet | MGT 6357: Service Operations Management |
Jones, Gary | MGT 3079: Management of Financial Institutions |
Liu, Dong | MGT 6118: Cross-Cultural Management |
College of Computing
Small Classes:
Ammar, Mostafa | CS 8803: Special Topics: Networking for Multimedia |
College of Design
Small Classes:
Marks, Lisa | ID 3813: Special Topics: Craft Exploration Methods |
Posner, Noah | ID 3051: Interactive Industrial Design Studio 1 |
Potts, Heather | ARCH 4016: Architecture Studio 6 |
Large Classes:
Smith, Kofi | BC 6685: Leadership in Design & Construction |
College of Engineering
Small Classes:
Behravesh, Esfandiar | BMED 3410: Intro to Biomechanics |
Bozeman, Joe | CEE 6355: Industrial Ecology & Environmental Engineering |
Christian, Laura | BMED 3600: Physiology of Cellular & Molecular Systems |
Li, Frank | ECE 8803: Empirical Computer Security |
Lu, Jye-Chyi | ISYE 4031: Regression/Forecasting |
Meyer, Karl | CEE 4520: Reinforced Con crete Design |
Yee, Shannon | ME 6301: Conduction Heat Transfer |
Large Classes:
Coskun, Ahmet | BMED 3520: Biomedical Systems & Modeling |
Johnson, Kevin | ECE 2020: Digital System Design |
Saltaformaggio, Brendan | ECE 6747: Advanced Malware Analysis |
Singh, Ankur | BMED 3600: Physiology of Cellular & Molecular Systems |
Torello, David | ME 2202: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies |
Ziani, Juba | ISYE 4301: Supply Chain Economics |
College of Liberal Arts
Small Classes:
Chang, Seung-Eun | KOR 2002: Intermediate Korean II |
Jonsson, Andrea | FREN 4200: Intro French Philosophy |
Kim, Bo Kyoung | KOR 1002: Elementary Korean II |
Liu, Jin | CHIN 4031: Chinese -Language Cinema |
Markley, Eliza | INTA 3221: Post-Soviet Politics |
Oh, Lee | KOR 1001: Elementary Korean I |
Parks, Yumi | JAPN 1002: Elementary Japanese II |
Pilkington, Melissa | SPAN 2002: Intermediate Spanish II |
Slieper, Chad | PUBP 4843: Special Topics: Law, Medicine & Ethics |
Stepanov, Brigitte | FREN 3420: Introduction to Africa |
Suzuki Chenoweth, Satomi | JAPN 1001: Elementary Japanese I |
Sy, Samba | FREN 1002: Elementary French II |
Weiss, Amanda | ML 2500: Intro Cross-Cultural Studies |
Large Classes:
Wang, Qi | LMC 3254: Film History |
College of Sciences
Small Classes:
Lobachev, Kirill | BIOS 4590: Research Project Lab |
Santos, Deborah | CHEM 1310: Principles of General Chemistry for Engineers |
Wilson, Samantha | EAS 4803: Special Topics: EAS & Public Policy |
Large Classes:
Weigel, Emily | BIOS 4471: Behavioral Biology |
Vertically Integrated Projects
Small Classes:
Levy, Laura | VIP 3602: VIP Project Team: JR II |
2021: Funded by Class of 1934 and Jack and Frances Mundy endowment funds
Meghan Babcock, Professor, Sciences, Psychology
Katie Badura, Assistant Professor, Scheller College of Business, Operations Management
Sonit Bafna, Associate Professor, Design, Architecture
Nivedita Bhattacharya, Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Amy Bruckman, Professor, Computing, Interactive Design
Julie Champion, Associate Professor, Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Seung-Eun Chang, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Satoma Suzuki Chenoweth, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Ahmet Coskun, Assistant Professor, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Karie Davis-Nozemack, Associate Professor, Scheller College of Business, Law and Ethics
Francesco Fedele & Rachel Grant, Associate Professor & Instructional Associate Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lionel Gall, Senior Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Jacqueline Garner, Senior Lecturer, Scheller College of Business, Finance
Matthew Gombolay, Assistant Professor, Computing, Interactive Computing
Aaron Hackett, Professor, Scheller College of Business, Marketing
Koki Ho, Assistant Professor, Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
Manpreet Hora, Associate Professor, Scheller College of Business, Operations Management
Marty Jacobson, Professor, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Bo Kyoung Kim, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Julie Kim, Associate Professor, Design, Architecture
Yongtaek Kim, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Gary Lavigne, Professor, Sciences, Mathematics
Laura Levy, Senior Research Scientist, Psychology, Vertically Integrated Projects
Jin Liu, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Eric Marks, Professor, Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dan Margalit, Professor, Sciences, Mathematics
Eliza Markley, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, International Affairs
Mary McDonald, Professor, Liberal Arts, History and Sociology
Melinda Millard-Stafford, Professor, Sciences, Biological Sciences
Alexandra Muscalus, Institute Fellow, Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lee Oh, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Eric Overby, Catherine & Edwin Wahlen Professor, Scheller College of Business, IT Management
John Peponis, Professor, Design, Architecture
Melissa Pilkington, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Dobromir Rahnev, Associate Professor, Sciences, Psychology
Tatiana Rudchenko, Senior Lecturer, Scheller College of Business, Operations Management
Brendan Saltaformaggio, Assistant Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Joseph Salyer, Professor, Liberal Arts, English
Ruth Schowalter, Lecturer, Language Institute
Andrew Schulz, Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, Vertically Integrated Projects
Kevin Shankwiler, Senior Lecturer, Design, Industrial Design
Molly Slavin, Professor, Liberal Arts, English
Ravi Subramanian, Professor, Scheller College of Business, Operations Management
William Todd, Professor, Scheller College of Business, Strategy and Innovation
Kyriakos Vamvoudakis, Assistant Professor, Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
Damon Williams, Senior Lecturer, Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Danielle Willkens, Assistant Professor, Design, Architecture
Linda Wills, Associate Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gregory Zinman, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts, Literature, Media, and Communication
Muhannad Bakir, Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hector Daniel Cervantes Banos, Postdoctoral Scholar, Sciences, Mathematics
Cristi Bell-Huff, Lecturer, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Mattieu Bloch, Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
John Cressler, Professor, Engineering ,Electrical and Computer Engineering
Amy D'Unger, Senior Academic Professional, Liberal Arts, History and Sociology
Carl DiSalvo, Associate Professor, Computing, Interactive Computing
Jason Freeman, Professor, Design, Music
Michael Gamble, Associate Professor, Design, Architecture
Srivinas Garimella, Professor, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Pascal Van Hentenryck, Professor, Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Koki Ho, Assistant Professor, Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
Manpreet Hora, Associate Professor, Scheller College of Business, Operations Management
Martin Jacobson, Lecturer, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
George Johnston, Professor, Design, Architecture
Britta Kallin, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Keith Kaseman, Assistant Professor, Design, Architecture
Bernard Kippelen, Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Frank Li, Assistant Professor, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Siva Theja Maguluri, Assistant Professor, Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering
Dan Margalit, Professor, Sciences, Mathematics
Mirjana Milosevic-Brockett, Senior Academic Professional, Sciences, Biological Sciences
Lee Oh, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
Kate Pride-Brown, Assistant Professor, Liberal Arts, History and Sociology
Dohbromir Rahnev ,Assistant Professor, Sciences, Psychology
James Rains, Professor of the Practice, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Amit Reddi, Associate Professor, Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tatiana Rudchenko, Senior Lecturer, Scheller College of Business, Operations Management
Carrie Shepler, Principal Academic Professional, Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry
David Smith, Lecturer, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Thad Starner, Professor, Computing, Interactive Computing
James Stubbs, Professor of the Practice, Engineering Biomedical Engineering
Satomi Suzuki-Chenoweth, Lecturer, Liberal Arts, Modern Languages
William Todd, Professor of the Practice, Scheller College of Business, Strategy and Innovation
David Torello, Academic Professional, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Lutz Warnke, Associate Professor, Sciences, Mathematics
Alonzo Whyte, Academic Professional, Sciences, Biological Sciences
Damon Williams, Senior Lecturer, Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Benjamin Yang, Research Engineer, Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sotira Yiacoumi, Professor Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
IT Management, Business Analytics |
►CTL Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence
►Curriculum Innovation
►Education Partnership
►Faculty Award for Academic Outreach
►Geoffrey G. Eichholz Faculty Teaching Award
►Innovation and Excellence in Laboratory Instruction
►Innovation in Co-curricular Education
►Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
►Teaching Excellence Award for Online Teaching
►Undergraduate Educator Award
►Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Annual CIOS Award
►Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Semester Honor Roll