Apply to join the Leaders in Teaching & Learning by August 1, 2024

Logo for the Leaders in Teaching and Learning Fellows program. A graphic image of an open book with swirled lines, circles, and hexagons rising out of the center is centered and placed atop the words "Leaders in Teaching and Learning" The logo for GT Center for Teaching and Learning is placed at the bottom of the image.


The Center for Teaching and Learning invites senior faculty to apply to join the first cohort of Leaders in Teaching and Learning (Leaders). This new leadership development program is a reimagining of the former Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows. Following the program, Leaders in Teaching and Learning will be able to:

  • Apply leadership skills and concepts to fostering effective teaching within their disciplinary units.
  • Develop their identity as a leader in teaching and learning. 
  • Envision a leadership platform. 


Program Requirements

Over the course of one academic year, fellows will:

  1. Participate in learning and development experiences that equip Leaders with the skills to serve as leaders in the space of teaching and learning (Fellows should commit to attending all workshops, which will be held in person on non-instructional days.)
    1. Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Vision and Impact of Leadership in Teaching and Learning and Foundations of Transformative Teaching   
    2. Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Effecting Change in Higher Education and Transformative Mentoring in Teaching  
    3. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Designing Programs to Foster Teaching  Excellence and Prompting Reflection about Teaching   
    4. Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Community Share and Action Plan for the Future
  2. Contribute to a CTL or College-based teaching and learning program/initiative (e.g. mentor a Tech to Teaching capstone student, serve on a panel for a CTL event, etc.) CTL will match each Leader with an opportunity. 
  3. Conduct informational interviews with key leaders about teaching and learning priorities in their home college.
  4. Attend the USG Teaching and Learning Conference (April 3 and 4, 2025, Columbus, GA) or an alternative, (e.g. SoTL Summit, September 19 and 20, 2024, Kennesaw State University; SoTL Commons, February 26-28, 2025, Savannah GA)
    1. Each Leader will receive $1,000 in professional development funds to cover the cost of attending the teaching and learning conference. 
  5. Develop a leadership vision statement with other Leaders in Teaching and Learning Fellows


Benefits for Participants

Leaders in Teaching and Learning will receive $1,000 in professional development funds to cover the cost of attending the teaching and learning conference. 

Upon completion of the one-year program described above, Leaders will earn a leadership in teaching and learning certificate, a badge they can display on professional profiles, and receive a letter they may include in their annual review and promotion packets. 

Eligibility for Participation

Faculty members of any category (e.g. tenured, academic professional, lecturers, and research faculty at the senior level or above) are eligible to apply. Ideal applicants are senior faculty ready to engage and contribute to pedagogical leadership across the institute. CTL will aim to select new fellows each year, distributed proportionally across the colleges. 


How to Apply

Apply to join the Leaders in Teaching and Learning by August 1. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Carol Subiño Sullivan at