Spring 2025 Book Club
Interested in a Book Club? The Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL) is excited to host the book club this spring focused on alternative grading and assessment. This semester we will explore Grading for Growth: A Guide to Alternative Grading Practices that Promote Authentic Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education by David Clark and Robert Talbert. It is useful for those considering alternative assessments for learning and grading pedagogies as well as those implementing them already who would like to refine their practice.
Co-author, Robert Talbert, will be our Keynote Speaker at Celebrate Teaching Day on March 28 and will hold a special session after his keynote with our book club!
Space is limited and the first 15 registrations will receive the book for free!
When: The Book Club will meet on the following Fridays, virtually from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm:
- Jan 31
- Feb 14
- Feb 28
- March 14
- *March 28*
- April 11
*March 28* Meeting: We will meet with the author, Robert Talbert, after his keynote during Celebrate Teaching Day! We will meet from 1:00 pm-2:45 pm -- this will be an in-person meeting and not virtual.