Dates: December 4th & 5th | Time: 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. | Location: Clough 423
Join us for an epic journey as we navigate course design and delivery in Canvas. Your quest is to master Canvas tools and, in so doing, chart a course toward enhanced student wellbeing. With the Canvas Course Template as your guide, you’ll begin building a course site that utilizes Canvas to its maximum potential, both easing your teaching burdens and better supporting student learning.
The Canvas Course Template is a revolutionary Georgia Tech resource developed through the collaborative efforts of CTL, OIT, GTPE, and C21U. It's a Georgia Tech branded module structure that can be used to easily create or update a student (and faculty!) friendly course.
In this two-day gamified workshop, participants will:
- Create a templated Canvas course
- Begin migrating content into the template
- Discuss strategies for enhancing clarity and communication in Canvas
- Identify asynchronous community building techniques
- Set up Canvas gradebook and assessments
- Explore engagement tools
- Develop accessible materials
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