Submit your poster information


Thank you for your interest in presenting a poster at Celebrating Teaching Day 2025! Celebrating Teaching Day is an annual event hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning that honors and celebrates the dedication of Georgia Tech faculty and instructors who create engaging, challenging and inclusive learning experiences that foster student success throughout the year. This year, Celebrating Teaching Day will take place on March 28th in the Midtown Ballroom (Exhibition Hall) and include both a keynote speaker and the poster session.

Celebrating Teaching Day Schedule: March 28, 2024

  • 9:30am -11:00 am: Poster Session
  • 11:00 am -11:30 am Luncheon and remarks honoring Thank a Teacher recipients, Student Recognition of Excellence CIOS Honor Roll recipients, and Student Recognition of Excellence CIOS Award winners
  • 11:45 am - 12:45 pm: Keynote: Grading for Growth: Toward more humane, authentic, and trustworthy ways to evaluate student work by Dr. Robert Talbert, Professor of Mathematics and Senior Faculty Fellow for Learning Futures, Grand Valley State University
  • 1:00 pm: Event ends

Posters may be about any recent educational initiative, such as an innovative teaching strategy, course design, development or use of learning technology, program, etc.  We invite members of faculty cohorts, such as the Leaders in Teaching and Learning, Class of 1969 Teaching Fellows, Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows, the Community of Practice on Teaching with the UN SDGs, Teaching with Technology Partnerships, the Biomedical Engineering Faculty Learning Community, and others to share your work. We also invite recipients of Provost Teaching and Learning Initiative, Transformative Teaching and Learning, and Undergraduate Sustainability Education Innovation grants to present posters of your initiatives. You may also highlight a service you provide to support teaching and learning at Georgia Tech. Regardless of engagement in any of the above mentioned cohorts or grant programs, the Celebrating Teaching Day poster session is an open forum to share your teaching and learning work. Visit the 2023 Celebrating Teaching Day, 2022 Celebrating Teaching Day2021 Celebrating Teaching Day2020 Celebrating Teaching Day2019 Celebrating Teaching Day and 2018 Celebrating Teaching Day pages to see examples of posters that showcase inventive pedagogical initiatives underway by Georgia Tech peers committed to student learning. 

All presenters will be responsible for printing their own posters; CTL is not able to print your posters for you. For poster printing, we recommend that you make use of the resources available at the  Media Scholarship Commons in the Library (Price Gilbert, 3rd Floor), where you can inexpensively use the wide plotters to print your posters. They have tech support available, too (check their website for hours).  Here is the form for submitting a poster for printing.

CTL will provide a 30"x40" foam board for poster mounting (36"x48" tri-fold boards are also available upon request).  We recommend that you request your foam board for your poster by Thursday, March 13th in order to mount your poster in advance.

In addition to presenting your poster in person, we encourage presenters to submit a .pdf of their poster and short video explaining their educational initiative that we may link to from the CTL Teaching showcase website. 

Please fill out this form to let us know if you will contribute a poster for this year's event.

We look forward to seeing you at Celebrating Teaching Day 2025!  If you have any questions or would like to know more about contributing a poster, please contact Dr. Carol Subiño Sullivan, Assistant Director, Faculty Teaching and Learning Initiatives, at