Develop an online case study that relates to various Georgia Tech priorities such as the Lead by Example Strategic Plan, the Creating the Next in Education - Initiative 1, and Leadership Education and Development. By the end of the simulated case study, students should be able to understand the theory of adaptive leadership as well as their own style of adaptive leadership, distinguish between adaptive vs. technical challenges in order to determin appropriate problems to solve, explore dimensions of adaptive leadership and how they can be utilized in addressing problems in their own context, develop and conduct an action step on one or more of the dimensions that they are seeking to improve, and self-assess and receive feedback from others on the different dimensions of adaptive leadership (pre-and-post simulation).
Across the course of the project we researched various online platform options, developed a storyboard for one leadership case study where adaptive leadership is present, developed a script that walked the student through selecting an adaptive challenge as well as the decisions that needed to be made along the way and questions that explore various dimensions of adaptive leadership, built out the case study within the platform, tested simulated case study with a small group of students, made adjustments based on user feedback, and packaged simulated case student for deployment in 2021 Fall Semester PUBP 4140 Foundations of Leadership.
The final Simulated Case Study provided students with the ability to understand the process of adaptive leadership and what their own style is to how they view themselves and how others view them based on the six dimensions of adaptive leadership around them as well as the student's own style and their growth within the six dimensions of adaptive leadership.