Develop a three-week set of experiments examining alternative energy technologies and the chemistry involved in them. This goal is aligned with several of the Sustainability Next Education Strategies, primarily by providing opportunities to students across a diverse range of degree programs to learn experientially through lab experiments.
Conducting a pilot round of experiments in the CHEM 1211 lab. Eventual migration to the CHEM 1310 lab. Recognizing that there is room to further develop SDG related experiments and incorporate them into the CHEM 1211 lab. In further implementation, this will be done in a way that ties in well to the goals of the given student demographic to increase their motivation to learn and apply sustainability concepts.
Conducting a pilot round of experiments in the CHEM 1211 lab. Eventual migration to the CHEM 1310 lab. Recognizing that there is room to further develop SDG related experiments and incorporate them into the CHEM 1211 lab. In further implementation, this will be done in a way that ties in well to the goals of the given student demographic to increase their motivation to learn and apply sustainability concepts.

"I want to involve more research students in the curriculum development process because that is a way to deeply impact a few students while the broader impact is a bit less intensive."